მიიღე ინფორმაცია, გახდი მოხალისე უცხოეთში

გაეცანით აკრედიტებული ორგანიზაციებს ჩამონათვალს. მონახეთ არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაცია, რომელიც მუშაობს თქვენს რეგიონსა და ქალაქში, დაუკავშირდით მას და მიიღეთ ინფორმაცია დაფინანსებული პროგრამების შესახებ, რომლის მეშვეობითაც თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მოხალისედ იმუშაოთ მათ უცხოელ პარტნიორებთან საზღვარგარეთ. EVS ევროპის მოხალისეობრივი სერვისი განვითარების კარგ საშუალებას გაძლევთ.


აარჩიეთ საქართველო და დააჭირეთ ძიების ღილაკს.

ტრენინგ კურსი ჰოლანდიაში

Training Course 10-16 January 2014 | Ommen , Netherlands

Practicing Coaching Training

The new Practicing Coaching is a 7 days international training course designed with the aim to facilitate personal and professional growth for people who are involved or interested in coaching and to train individuals to function better in society.
Olde Vechte Foundation (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Application deadline:
23 December 2013
(The short link for this training offer is http://trainings.salto-youth.net/3946)

"EuroIntegration - International Youth Forum"

Deadline: 12 November 2013
Open toactive young people from Europe
Venue9-13rd of December, 2013 Baku, Azerbaijan.


"EuroIntegration - International Youth Forum" organized by Integration of Azerbaijani Youth to Europe Organization (AGAT) with the support of Azerbaijan Youth Foundation. AGAT, with the participation of active young people from Europe, is planning to implement "EuroIntegration - International Youth Forum ". The forum will consist of panels and discussions. The main  topics of the forum will be " The Role of Azerbaijan on European Integration in the Eastern Partnership policy ", " Effective Activity of Azerbaijani youth in European institutions " , "Development Prospects of Azerbaijan in Euro-Atlantic space ", "Eastern Partnership" and etc.​  The main objective of the project is to inform youth from Europe role of Azerbaijan in Euro-Integration process, the further development of cooperation between the young people from Europe and Azerbaijan, in order to inform European youth on Azerbaijan realities and on energy policy.


ტრენერების ტრენინგი მაკედონიაში

Training Course 15-25 March 2014 | Bitola, Macedonia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of

Training of Trainers (ToT) – CEFE (Creating Enterprises through Forming Entrepreneurs)

Do you want to learn how to train people to be successful entrepreneurs? Do you want to help to reduce the unemployment in your country? Do you want to evoke the creative energy of individuals and use this potential for business development?
CEFE Macedonia (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Romania, Turkey
Application deadline:
22 December 2013
(The short link for this training offer is http://trainings.salto-youth.net/3934)