EMT-ისა და CISV-ის ახალგაზრდებისთვის
ტრენინგი მოლდოვეთში “Back to the Roots” 18 - 26 მაისი. პროგრამა დაფინანსებულია ევროკომისიის მიერ, მონაწილე ყიდულობს თვითმფრინავის ბილეთს და შემდეგ უკან უბრუნდება ბილეთის ფასის 70%.
დაინტერესებულები დაგვიკავშირდით სასწრაფოდ.
For the training “Back to the Roots” May 18th to May 26th
2014 in Republic of Moldova.
Together with our partners, we are looking for participants from Norway, Georgia, Armenia,
Republic of Moldova, Romania, Denmark, Latvia, Portugal, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
“Back to the Roots” is an 8 days study visit in Republic of Moldova aiming to give youth leaders best practices and tools to promote and preserve local culture and traditions.
The main themes of the training are the following:
Historical Heritage;
Costumes, handcrafts and folk dances;
Entrepreneurship and traditional culture;
Mainstream culture in comparison to traditional culture;
Local culture;
Erasmus +.
The training gathers 30 youth leaders from Norway, Georgia, Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Denmark, Latvia, Portugal, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. It will be conducted in English and translation will not be provided, therefore the participants are expected to have a good level of English.
The project based on the principles of non-formal learning and is strictly non-academic.
Application for participation Eligible participants are young people between 20 – 35 years old, from the countries mentioned above who have an interest in promoting the local heritage among young people.
In order to participate in this training, candidates must:
Have a good conduct in English
Be able to attend the whole training
Be highly motivated to participate in the training and in follow up activities.
ტრენინგი მოლდოვეთში “Back to the Roots” 18 - 26 მაისი. პროგრამა დაფინანსებულია ევროკომისიის მიერ, მონაწილე ყიდულობს თვითმფრინავის ბილეთს და შემდეგ უკან უბრუნდება ბილეთის ფასის 70%.
დაინტერესებულები დაგვიკავშირდით სასწრაფოდ.
For the training “Back to the Roots” May 18th to May 26th
2014 in Republic of Moldova.
Together with our partners, we are looking for participants from Norway, Georgia, Armenia,
Republic of Moldova, Romania, Denmark, Latvia, Portugal, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
“Back to the Roots” is an 8 days study visit in Republic of Moldova aiming to give youth leaders best practices and tools to promote and preserve local culture and traditions.
The main themes of the training are the following:
Historical Heritage;
Costumes, handcrafts and folk dances;
Entrepreneurship and traditional culture;
Mainstream culture in comparison to traditional culture;
Local culture;
Erasmus +.
The training gathers 30 youth leaders from Norway, Georgia, Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Denmark, Latvia, Portugal, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. It will be conducted in English and translation will not be provided, therefore the participants are expected to have a good level of English.
The project based on the principles of non-formal learning and is strictly non-academic.
Application for participation Eligible participants are young people between 20 – 35 years old, from the countries mentioned above who have an interest in promoting the local heritage among young people.
In order to participate in this training, candidates must:
Have a good conduct in English
Be able to attend the whole training
Be highly motivated to participate in the training and in follow up activities.